Updates - Class of 2028
Bulletin - Week of February 10th to February 13th
University and Community
Wildfire Resources
The fires of the last few days have been, and continue to be, incredibly difficult for many in our community. We are grateful to the many of you in our community who are supporting one another.
We would like to share some resources as this situation remains fluid:
University Resources
The University is posting updates on www.usc.edu/emergency
The University is monitoring air quality in the Los Angeles region for both the University Park and Health Sciences Campuses. To stay updated, please visit the Air Quality Index page on the USC Environmental Health and Safety website.
Counselors are available to students through Counseling and Mental Health Services at (213) 740-9355 (WELL).
If you are concerned about the wellbeing of a fellow student, contact Trojans Care 4 Trojans.
Community Resources
Impacted individuals can apply for immediate and long-term federal relief. Here's how to apply:
Visit: disasterassistance.gov
Call: (800) 621-FEMA (3362)
Relief includes temporary displacement assistance, $770 for essential personal items, and larger grants to help cover essential needs.
Mutual Aid LA Network (MALAN), a nonprofit organization, has compiled available community resources throughout Los Angeles County. Click here to view.
Additional Resources
Click here for a guide on updated resources.
Important Note: Please, always evaluate organizations before you get involved. You can use online tools such as Charity Navigator, BBB Wise Giving Alliance, or the IRS Tax Exemption Organization Search to verify their legitimacy. This allows you to ensure you are going to a reputable organization.
Most importantly, take care of yourselves and your families. The Office of Student Affairs is available to listen and address concerns by calling our office at (323) 442-2553.
Stay Safe.

REQUIRED Semester II Orientation
Wednesday, February 12
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Mayer Auditorium
Refer to Elentra for more details
Important LEAD Updates
KPIP Newsletter: Pulmonology
KPIP Review Session
Wednesday, February 26th
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Recording will be available the following day.
KPIP Masterclass:
UWorld Question Bank
Best Practices and Tips

KPIP Office Hours
Academic Support with LEAD
Want to connect with your Learning Specialist? Schedule a meeting with Dr. Nash (last names A-L) or Dr. Lopez (last names M-Z) at your earliest convenience.
Third Coaching Meetings!
The first phase of coaching meetings will be held on Monday, February 10 immediately after EPIC.
Please refer to an email from the KSOM EPIC & Coaching Team sent on Monday, February 3rd with additional details on your meeting time and location.
As a reminder, if you are scheduled for your meeting on Monday, February 10th, your assignment is due Friday, February 7th by 11:59pm. Please upload on Elentra.
Questions? ksom.epic.coaching@usc.edu

AAMC Virtual Specialty Forum

Hosted by the Careers in Medicine® program, the annual Virtual Specialty Forum aims to provide medical students -- especially those early in medical school (Y1, Y2) -- free and equitable access to learn about specialties.
During the live event, attendees can view resources; chat with residents, program directors, specialty representatives, and AAMC staff; and attend a presentation panel of physicians.
Information, resources, and recordings will be archived and accessible to registrants who are unable to attend during the scheduled time.
Click here for more information and registration link!
OPTIONAL Specialty SIG Leadership Meeting
Wednesday, February 12
1:30pm - 3:00pm
LC 104A
Meeting for Specialty SIG leaders and Faculty advisors to discuss SIG programming for the remainder of the academic year.
Click here to RSVP
USC Office of Religious and Spiritual Life

USC Student Life
Trojan Food Pantry
(@ University Park Campus)

Emergency Medicine Summer
Medical Student Fellowship for
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Ronald O. Perelman Department of Emergency Medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center and Bellevue Hospital Center in conjunction with the NYU School of Medicine is pleased to sponsor the 2025 NYU/Bellevue Emergency Medicine Diversity Equity Inclusion Fellowship.
Our department is committed to promoting diversity within the field of Emergency Medicine. The goal of the program is to provide interested medical students with an in-depth exposure to Emergency Medicine early on in medical school education (students who have completed their first year of medical school).
Scholarship Opportunity:
ACMG Meeting
The Department of Translational Genomics is offering a scholarship opportunity to members of the KSOM community to cover registration or workshop fees forthe 2025 ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting, held on March 18 - 22 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
Click on the image on the left to access more information on this opportunity.
AAMC - Resources for finding co-curricular experiences

As you approach the mid-point of your first year, it's time to think about how you will meet short-term career goals such as finding co-curricular experiences.
These resources from Careers in Medicine will help you understand how co-curricular experiences factor into your residency application and find the experiences that best meet your career goals.
Click here to view.

There continues to be divisiveness, strife, war, and climate collapse. That’s a lot to digest. Join Tobi Fishel, Ph.D. from USC/LA Gen GME Wellness on zoom as we gather to share concerns, fears, and how to move forward. One thing I do know is that a safe community is healing.
Topic: monthly support circle for USC/Keck or LA Gen students, residents, attendings, staff, and faculty
Time: Feb 13th, March 13th, April 10th, May 8th, all at 6 pm PCT
Have questions? Email Tobi Fishel at tfishel@usc.edu
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 278 734 7439 Passcode: Heron
Please Review:
Important Messaging Regarding
Vaccination Requirements

Are you a student or resident curious about Pediatric Anesthesiology?
Come bask in the warmth of Orlando and attend SPA-AAP Pediatric Anesthesiology 2025 (March 28-30)!
Travel scholarship opportunities available. Apply via short questionnaire.
Scholarship application link: https://forms.office.com/r/9KUTmjdckm
Feel free to scan QR code for more information

Lavender Sheet
MD Student Wellbeing resources
Please click on PDF icon below for more information.

Did you know?
You can borrow a laptop with a charger and carrying case along with other helpful tools from USC Libraries!
Review the flyer and scan the QR code for more details!

Tips for accessing folders in Panopto
All students are automatically enrolled in Panopto and given access to the videos from their respective class years.
The easiest way to access Panopto is through Elentra.
Look for the Year 1 Lectures link under the quick links section.
Students can also access Panopto directly by logging in to
and making sure to choose to sign in to Shibboleth NOT Panopto.

Parking on Campus

Semester Permit
On-campus parking is available by purchasing any permit available here (you will need to create an account prior to purchase). Once you purchase your permit, you will receive one parking permit for the academic year, charged in two installments (per semester).
Please contact auxtrans@usc.edu should you have any questions or concerns regarding this process.